Please note this work is to support literacy learning at any time and we do not expect it ALL to be completed (just feel free to dip in and out of it in the week)

SPAG work (spelling, punctuation and grammar):

Spag activties for Literacy each day, explained and support materials

spag posters for support

spag yr 2 support for children who need it

spag yr 3

spag yr 4

Comprehension and spelling work:

reading comp work with answers-levels

Handwriting idea & pack

This is NEW for April/May Summer work (see appropriate year group for your child- work will go up one week at a time):


Literacy Week One Summer Term (Year 3):

Y3 Wk1 The Twits

Literacy Week One Summer Term (Year 4):

Y4 Wk 1 The Train To Impossible Places

Literacy Week Two Summer Term (Year 3):


Literacy Week Two Summer Term (Year 4):


For extra home reading support please feel free to look at: LoveReading4Kids and Oxford Owl web-pages for free access to many e-books for each keystage:

General Maths Work (Times Tables/Morning Maths):


Times Tables Packs (Years 1 to 6)

morning maths

This work is for BEFORE Easter:

Numeracy YEAR 3

Numeracy YEAR 4

This work is for AFTER Easter:

Year 3 (week 1 and 2):

Year 4 (week 1 and 2):

Links for years above/below are available if needed:

Feel like a challenge?! Each week we will be setting new maths, STEM and different project based challenges for you to have a go at! Make sure you let us know how you get on!!

These following web-pages offer extra mathematical challenges to those of you in class 2 that need them:

Challenges up to 11 Years old:

Mastery Tasks- Year 3:

mastery tasks yr 3

Mastery Tasks- Year 4:

mastery tasks yr 4

Below are some STEM challenge ideas for you to complete:

James Dyson Foundation STEM challenges:

This work is for BEFORE Easter:


This work is for AFTER Easter:

Science lesson 1

Science lesson 2

Science lesson 3

Science lesson 4

Science lesson 5

GEOGRAPHY: Spring Term 2 (before Easter)- ‘How does water go round and round’:

Class 2 Spring 2 Topic-WATER CYCLE- overview and activities

HISTORY: Summer Term 1 (AFTER Easter)- ‘What happened when the Romans Came’:

Class 2 Topic- ROMANS- introduction and overview

Week 1 (task 1)- Roman Soldiers

Week 2 (task 2)- Mosaics

Week 3 (task 3)- Boudiccas Rebellion

Week 4 (task 4)- Hadrian’s Wall

Week 5 (task 5)- Gods and Godesses

Week 6 (task 6)- Roman Houses

Art Work:

Art Colour work & painting

French Work:

Spring Term 1 (before Easter):


Summer Term 1 (AFTER Easter):

french The body

RE Work:

Easter Activities:


Buddhism Activities:


RE summer term Buddism activities

Below are some ideas for computing activities including gaming and coding!


Dance Challenges:

Dance Challenge

PE Challenges:

Year 3- 6 Stay at Home Programme Brochure Week 1

Rugby Challenge LSG

Easter class 2 activities

In addition please see below useful websites to support children’s learning:


 (see news-report below for more details):

White Rose Maths:

Maths resources for all year groups.

Fisher Price Play :

Games to practice alphabet, numbers and shapes. More suitable for EYFS (foundation)

Shaun’s Game Academy:

Shaun the sheep website which teaches children how to make online games. Suitable for whole school

Cbeebies Games:

A variety of educational games. Most suitable for Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 (Class 1)

My Maths:

Learning Platform for math’s tasks. Children have their own log ins (Class 2 & 3)

Phonics Play:

Website for reading books online. All children have own login.

Phonic games to play. Most suitable for Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 Class 1). Login needed:

Username: march20     Password: home


A variety of literacy and numeracy activities. Children have their own log in’s.

Times Tables Rock Stars:

Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. Children have their own log in’s.


Website full of educational resources. A month’s free access is being offered in the light of school closures.

Setting up is really easy to do – go to  offer and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS

Oxford owl:

Website with lots of educational games. Suitable for all.

BBC bitesize:

Website with lots of educational games. Suitable for all.

Reading Eggs

Register for a free trial and get 2 weeks free access to reading resources. Suitable for all.

Nasa Kids club:

Children’s website about all things space. Suitable for all.

Education Quizzes:

Education quizzes on different subjects. Suitable for all.

Year 6 practice tests:

Practice tests for Year 6 children.

Corbettmaths Primary:

Maths work for KS2.

Robin Hood:

Work for Year 5 and Year 6

Jump Start Johnny:

Physical Education for all Year Groups


This website is giving free access.


Premier league primary stars. English maths sports and well being for 5 to 13 years olds.

My Mini Maths

Maths work for Year 3 – Year 6

Prodigy Maths

Maths Game/Questions for all Year Groups