Singleton CE Primary School

- Support the Christian Values of the School Community.
- Make sure that my child attends school regularly, arrives on time smartly dressed wearing the school’s uniform. (School starts at 8:40am when all children come into school – we expect all children to be in school at this time.)
- Contact the school to explain my child’s absence before 9:10a.m.
- Keep the school informed of any changes of contact names and numbers.
- Support my child with homework and other opportunities for home learning.
- Let the school know about any concerns that might affect my child’s work or behaviour.
- Trust the school to deal appropriately with low level behaviour.
- Avoid taking holidays during term time.
- Avoid parking outside school gates on the zig zag lines at any time between 8:00am and 6:00pm.
- Treat staff, pupils, other parents and visitors to the school with respect.
- Behave responsibly on school premises.
- Conform to all school policies.
- Encourage our child to achieve their very best in school and to have the highest standards of behaviour in and out of school.
- Will support the school approach to online safety and not upload or add any text, image, sound or videos that could upset or offend any member of the school community, or bring the school name into disrepute.
- Will ensure that my/our online activity would not cause the school, staff, pupils or others distress or bring the school community into disrepute.
- Will support the school’s policy and help prevent my/our child/children from signing up to services such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube whilst they are underage (13+ years in most cases).
- I/we will close online accounts if I/we/teachers find that these accounts are active for our underage child/children.
You may expect staff and other adults in the school to:
- Treat your child with dignity and respect, encouraging them to have a Growth Mindset and fulfil their full potential.
- Care for your child’s safety and happiness and be approachable and listen to them at appropriate times;
- Provide a broad and balanced curriculum that meets individual needs.
- Set, mark and monitor school work and homework suitable for your child’s needs.
- Communicate both successes and concerns with parents.
- Contact parents if there is a problem with attendance or punctuality.
- Contact parents if there are concerns with behaviour.
- Arrange parent consultations and provide reports to help keep parents informed about their child’s progress.
- Keep parents informed about school events and activities by providing regular newsletters.
- Provide clear guidelines for safe internet use and support / awareness of the impact of cyber bullying.
- Provide a friendly welcome to your child in a secure, stimulating, Christian environment in which they will enjoy learning.
- Challenge your child to strive for the highest standard of personal, social, spiritual and intellectual development and to aim for excellence in all that they do.
- Be role models for our Christian Values
TOGETHER – We will encourage the children to:
- Try their best, work hard and take pride in their school work.
- Behave well in school.
- Learn to respect other people’s feelings.
- Be polite, kind and helpful to others.
- Keep the school tidy, litter free and take care of equipment.
- Do well at school by supporting their learning with related activities at home.
- Reflect on the teachings of Jesus
CHILD – I will:
- Tell a Trusted Adult at school if I have a problem.
- Support the Christian Values of the school.
- Attend school regularly and on time.
- Listen well, work hard and always do my best.
- Behave well at all times.
- Respect all people in school and care for the environment.
- Be smart in my appearance and wear the school uniform with pride.
- Make sure that I have my homework and reading book when I need them.
- Follow classroom rules and procedures and not disrupt the learning of other pupils.
- Tell the truth.
- Have a Growth mind set – enjoy a challenge and learn from my mistakes.
- Always adopt safe and responsible use of ICT and always talk to staff if they are worried or concerned about any internet use.