Welcome to Singleton CE Primary School’s Home Learning page 🙂
We are now using ‘Dojo’ to upload your child’s daily work to allow direct response to your child’s class teacher and comments to be easily made (for you and the teacher)
This work can still be found (if needed) on the links below:
In addition to this we are also putting weekly challenges/PSHE/Home reading/SEN support/PE and Extra Curricular Activities and useful websites to provide enhanced learning for your child which can be found on the links below:
As always we are here to help as much as we can so as well as using Class Dojo to communicate with your child’s class teacher- feel free to email: head@singleton.lancs.sch.uk if you have any other worries/concerns and queries.
All of the staff are missing you all greatly and hope you are all staying safe and well. And please keep sending in all your lovely photos and videos- we love seeing what you are all up to!