ICT Acceptable Use 

ICT including the internet, email and mobile technologies has become an important part of life and plays a significant part within learning in our school.  We expect all children to be safe and responsible when using any ICT.  The ICT rules / expectations are generic rules that cover your child’s whole time at Singleton School.  A lot of the rules will not be relevant to the children within their first few years at school, however, as the children go through school they will soon have access to the internet, email etc.

Please read and discuss these Internet Safety rules with your child. Please make sure that you return the slip that is provided in the link.  If you have any concerns or would like an explanation, please contact Mrs K James (ICT Subject lead).

Please take care to ensure that appropriate systems are in place at home to protect and support your child/children. 

Please note that within our monthly newsletter – we provide up to date support and help guidelines for parents /carers / grandparents within on line safety.  

ICT Acceptable Use 2023