
RE Information for Parents and Carers overview letter
WB 20.04.20:
RE Week 1- Question sheet – Special Places activity 1
WB 27.04.20:
WB 04.05.20:
WB 11.05.20:
WB 18.05.20:
WB 25.04.20:

Buddhism Activities:
RE summer term Buddism activities

WB 20.04.20:
Summer Week 1 RE Instructions for task
WEEK 1T2-RE-523-KS2-Pentecost-PowerPoint_ver_1 (2
WEEK 1T-RE-221-Pentecost-Story
WB 27.04.20:
WB 04.05.20:
WB 11.05.20:
WEEK 4 (Y5 complete two star task and Y6 complete three star task)
WB 18.05.20: