Please refer to your packs that were sent out with your child.
These will have:
-Writing (literacy and handwriting) activities/work
-Phonics activities
-Mathematics work
-Topic work
-Learning Journals

Geography: Habitats:
WB: 20.04.20
WB: 27.04.20
Week 2 Lesson 2 (Emperor Pengiuns)
WB: 04.05.20
Week 3 Lesson 3 (Asian Pandas)
WB: 11.05.20
Week 4 Lesson 4 (Oceania and the whale shark)
WB: 18.05.20
Week 5 Lesson 5 (Africa and elephants)
WB: 24.05.20
Week 6 Lesson 6 (see overview above)

Class 2 Topic- ROMANS- introduction and overview
WB: 20.04.20
Week 1 (task 1)- Roman Soldiers
WB: 27.04.20
WB: 04.05.20
Week 3 (task 3)- Boudiccas Rebellion
WB: 11.05.20
Week 4 (task 4)- Hadrian’s Wall
WB: 18.05.20
Week 5 (task 5)- Gods and Godesses
WB: 25.05.20

Art Work:

French Work:
Spring Term 1 (before Easter):
Summer Term 1 (AFTER Easter):

Studying our local area overview Summer Term 1
There are two topics lessons set per week:
Lesson 1: WB: 20.04.20
Lesson 1- Local-Area-Design-Sheet
Lesson 2 WB 20.04.20
Lesson 2-learn-something-new-about-your-local-area-activity

Lesson 3: WB 27.04.20
Lesson 4: WB 27.04.20
Lesson 5: WB 04.05.20
Lesson 6: WB 04.05.20
Lesson 7: WB 11.05.20
Lesson 8: WB 11.05.20
*Complete your report (see lesson 5)