Our School day
- Doors open 8:40am
- Registration closes at 8:50am
- End of school day 3:15pm
- Which equates to 32 hours and 30 minutes a week.
- Class Teachers are responsible for the orderly dismissal of pupils from their classrooms.
- Class Teachers must be sure that pupils’ leaving arrangements are SAFE
- Class Teachers will not allow children to leave with unknown persons
- Children in Years 5 & 6 are only allowed to walk home alone with written permission from parents and agreement from school H&S committee that it is appropriate and safe to do so.
- Where changes to a child’s normal pattern of home time occurs, the school expects to be informed by the parent on or before the day.
- Where a person other than a child’s parent is collecting a child from school – school expects to be informed
- When children start in Foundation Stage parents, need to make the teacher aware of who will be collecting the child each day.
- Where a different to the usual person is sent to pick up a child – school needs notification as they will not release a child to an unknown adult or to another parent
- Parents will drop off / collect children (or arrange for this to happen) punctually – if parents are late then the children will be placed in Kids Club and there will be a charge. Please note there is an expectation that you collect promptly at 3:15pm (or 4:15pm if your child participates in an extra – curricular activity)
- Late collection is monitored by Miss Manns (Family Learning Mentor)
For all the other issued raised we have developed a Drop Off and Collection Policy.
The following are the Key Summary Points.
Drop off
- The school day starts at 8.40am when all children come into school – we expect all children to be in school at this time.
- Registers are taken by 8:50 am and your child will receive a late mark ‘L’ if they are not in by 8:50am
- Children arriving after 8.40am are required to come into school via the school office. If accompanied by a parent/carer they must sign them in and provide a reason for their lateness which is recorded
- At 9.10am (30 minutes after the start of the school day) the registers will be closed. In accordance with the regulations, if your child arrives after that time, they will receive a mark that shows them to be on site – ‘U’, but this will not count as a present mark and it will mean they have an unauthorised absence
- End of school day is 3:15pm
- Teachers will dismiss their pupils from their classrooms, (KS2) from the New Hall double doors (Foundation Stage) from the double doors near the old hall (Class 1) into the charge of a recognised parent, carer or responsible adult who is accompanying the child to their home.
- In the case of Foundation and Classes 1 and 2, and 3 Staff will hold the children at the collection door until they see the appropriate adult.
- Class 3 pupils (Years 5 & 6) will only be allowed to walk home alone with written permission from parents and agreement from school that it is appropriate and safe to do so.
- In addition, teachers will risk assess with the SHE Committee individual circumstances where extra supervision is thought necessary.
- If a child is not collected by 3.15pm the Family Learning Mentor will be notified and parents will be contacted. The expectation is that parents collect at 3.15pm unless there is an extenuating circumstance.
- The above applies if children do an extra-curricular activity – the expectation is that they are collected promptly at 3.15pm unless there is an extenuating circumstance. If the child/ren is/are not collected promptly, the Learning Mentor will be informed and parents will be contacted.
- All late collections will be monitored and logged and where applicable the late drop off and collection protocols will be implemented. (See below)
- Regular late collection may result in school not allowing a child to attend a club.
- Children will not be released from school with someone if they are showing signs of distress or anxiety.
- Children will not be released if the teacher feels that the parent is not in a fit state to ensure their child’s safety. This will be immediately reported to the Designated Safeguarding Lead in school.
The Attendance Officer (Miss Manns) and H&S committee will monitor lateness. They will offer support where appropriate. However, parents who persistently drop children off late despite support from school will be referred to the County Attendance Team.
Other information
- Staff will release children at 3:15pm from their respective doors to a responsible adult that is known to school
- KS1 children will only be released to a sibling over 16 years of age.
- KS2 children may be released to a sibling of secondary school age.
- Whilst we recognise that there are occasions where parents are delayed through no fault of their own e.g. traffic jams etc. Children that are not collected on time will be placed into Acorns Club and parents charged according. The H&S committee feel that this will reduce the stress and pressure on parents rushing to school, as you know your child will be looked after safely until you can collect them. There will be a charge for this.
- The H&S committee feel it is important that all parents are aware that at 3:15pm all Teaching Assistants finish work and Teachers have a range of commitments – from meeting with parents, running extra-curricular clubs, staff training, marking books attending meetings etc. They are not available after school to look after your children.
- As a school, we provide an afterschool facility that is available to look after your child if you cannot for whatever reason collect your child / children on time. This is why if children are not collected punctually they will be placed in Acorns Club where they will be cared for until your arrival.
- In Y5/6 parents can if they wish request that pupils walk to and from school. However, the LCC Legal Department has advised that given the location of the school – there needs to be some discussion and agreement with school as to whether the children can walk home safely. Therefore, in light of this, parents will need to apply to the H&S committee – who will look at each individual case. They will consider location of house from school, roads that will need to be crossed, any special needs the children might have, the time of the children leaving school – for example in the winter it is dark after extra-curricular activities.
- Provided the H&S Committee agree, the school then requires written parental consent for their children in years 5 and 6 only to walk to and from school alone.
- In the event of a child not being collected from school and school not being able to contact parents/ emergency contacts, after 60 mins the school will follow its child protection procedures and the police and social services will be informed.
- The H&S and Safeguarding committee meet on a monthly basis and if you have any issues that you feel they need to be made aware of, they ask that you let school know via the office or put your points in a letter addressed to Keith Walker, Governor and Chair of the SHE Committee, and post in the drop box.