Academic Achievements

2023/24 Achievement Data information 

Please note we are still awaiting national compatative data information – this section will be updated once we  have all relevant information.

2022/23 Achievement Data information 

Achievement statement 2023

Standards and Assessment 

Within our school we have a very rigorous assessment and monitoring system, all our children are assessed throughout the year in order to challenge and support their learning. These assessments may be informal ongoing assessments within the lessons, or more formal tests.

At Singleton C of E Primary School, we recognise that there are three broad overarching forms of assessment, each with its own purposes


Day to day in school formative assessment for examples;-

    • Questions and answers during class
    • Marking of pupils work
    • Observational assessment
    • Regular short recap quizzes
    • Scanning work for pupil attainment
    • Pupil self-assessments
    • Peer marking
    • Pupil conferences
    • Feedback / feedforward

We believe that formative assessment is a powerful way of raising pupils’ achievement. It is based on the principle that pupils will improve most if they understand the aim of their learning, where they are in relation to this aim and how they can achieve the aim

Effective in-school formative assessment is the day-to-day assessment which is carried out by teachers and is key to effective classroom practice. It enables:

  • Teachers to identify how pupils are performing on a continuing basis and to use this information to provide appropriate support or challenge, evaluate teaching and plan future lessons
  • Pupils to measure their knowledge and understanding against learning objectives, and identify areas in which they need to improve
  • Parents to gain a broad picture of where their child’s strengths and weaknesses lie, and what they need to do to improve


At Singleton we believe that summative assessment (Assessment of Learning) is important for informing both parents and teachers of a child’s attainment and progress. This will also informs whole school target setting and prediction of a cohort’s future attainment.

Effective in-school summative assessment enables:

  • Senior Leadership Team to monitor the performance of pupil cohorts, identify where interventions may be required, and work with teachers to ensure pupils are supported to make progress and attain personal learning goals
  • Teachers to evaluate learning at the end of a unit or period and the impact of their own teaching
  • Pupils to understand how well they have learned and understood a topic or course of work taught over a period of time. It should be used to provide feedback on how they can improve
  • Parents to stay informed about the achievement, progress and wider outcomes of their child across a period

In school summative assessments examples

    • Formal Tests
    • Key assessment opportunities
    • Reviews for pupils with SEN and disabilities

Nationally standardised summative assessment, for example

    • Statutory assessments at the end of EYFS
    • Phonics screening
    • Times Table check
    • Key Stage 2 SATS


All our children are proactively involved within their learning and the assessment of that learning.

Parents are invited to two formal parents evening a year – one on line and one in person. These take place towards the end of the autumn and the end of spring terms.  Parents receive a full written report towards the end of the summer term.

All parents and teachers communicate using homework diaries. However, in our school we also run an open door policy and staff make a point of being available after school each day for parents.

In the  Foundation Stage we actively encourage the parent partnership and our Foundation Stage teacher gives constant feedback to parents both formally and informally. Do jo is used to share work and progress with parents on a weekly basis.

Parents can also request to see documentation relating to their child. All parents should be assured that if we have any concerns at all relating to a child’s progress or relating to the welfare of a child we will contact them.

Mrs Clayton aided by the Assessment Lead Mrs James track the progress of all children very carefully throughout their time at Singleton C of E School in order to maximise their potential.

Statutory Assessments

In Foundation Stage, the children are assessed on entry into school and at the end of their Foundation Stage year.

In  Year 6 children are assessed using Statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) against national criteria. Parents receive the teacher assessments data and the results of the national tests at the end of Year 6.

Results (Statutory data)

2024 is the first year where no KS1 Results will be published as KS1 SATS are no longer mandatory. As the data becomes available we will continue to update the information on this page

Previous school data information

Since 2012 we have been recognised as one of the highest performing schools in the country.

In 2012 we received a letter from David Laws MP congratulating us on our performance and explaining that the success of our children and their excellent rates of progress in both maths and English placed our school among the top-performing primary schools in the county.

In 2013, we received another letter from David Laws MP congratulating us once again on our excellent performance and explaining that we were one of the top 105 performing primary schools in England out of over 15000. He went on to explain that in comparison to schools that had nearly identical intakes, we were ranked first.

In 2014 we received a letter from Ben Wallace MP congratulating us on achieving 6th place in the Times performance list out of over 15 000 schools.

We were ranked 6th nationally out of 15500 schools and 1st in Lancashire in 2015.

In 2016 we received a letter from Nicky Morgan MP congratulating us on being a consistently high-achieving school

In 2017 we were inspected and achieved the Ofsted rating of outstanding in all categories. Ofsted identified:-

“Teachers use assessment information with expertise to ensure that they cater for every pupil’s learning needs. As a result, pupils make outstanding progress.”

In 2018 we received a letter from Nick Gibb MP congratulating the school on 100% of pupils reaching or exceeding the expected standard in reading and mathematics at the end of KS2. He explained that this meant that our school was therefore in the top 1% of primary schools in England for attainment in reading and mathematics. We also received a further letter from Rt. Hon Nick Gibb MP 2018  congratulating us on our outstanding achievement in the 2018 phonics screening in which our school was in the top 3% of all primary schools in the country.

In 2019, we received a letter from Rt. Hon Damian Hinds, indicating that once again our achievement in reading and mathematics at the end of Key Stage 2 was outstanding putting us in the top 1% of primary schools in England. In the same year, we also received a letter from Rt. Hon Nick Gibb MP to congratulate the school for being in the top two percent of all primary schools in the country for our phonics screening check results.

In 2020 we received a letter from Rt. Hon Nick Gibb MP indicated that 100% of our pupils reached or exceeded the expected standard in reading, writing, and maths at the end of KS2. This meant our school was in the top 1% of primary schools in the country.

In 2024 we received a letter from Damian Hinds Minister for Schools  indicating that our pupil’s achievement in reading, writing, and mathematics at the end of KS2 placed our school in the top 1% of the country



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