Welcome to Willow Class.
Willow class
is a mixed age class; our Year 3 and year 4 children are in this class. Class 2 is our lower junior class and the class teacher is Mrs Millward and the teaching Assistant is Mrs Ainsworth
Mrs Millward is passionate about her learning environment and her classroom provides a lovely learning environment for the children but as well as the classroom the children also, have access to a large woodland area that is used as an outdoor classroom.
Mrs Millward is the subject leader for Literacy, Art and Design. She also runs the Junior Leadership team working with our Year 5/6 children to make our school the best it can be.
Mrs Millward extremely creative and each year she organises a MAD week (Music, Art and Drama) in which she invites in musicians, writers and performers into school to enrich the learning experience. Mrs Millward also loves reading, she has organised a book swap stop for our school community and the local villages and she also organises for authors to come into school and deliver reading and writing workshops. Mrs Millward also loves providing opportunities for the children to dress up as their favourite book characters and to become immersed in a story!
Mrs Millward is actually a ‘Lady’ a title which the children and staff bought her for a very special birthday! She loves bling, shoes and handbags …..and definitely does not like walking up muddy hills in the rain in the Lake District like some of the staff!
Mrs Ainsworth is the Teaching Assistant in Class 2. She has worked as a Teaching Assistant for over 20 years both in main stream school and in special schools. Mrs Ainsworth supports class 2 in the mornings and in the afternoons, she works across Key Stage 2 delivering additional provision.
Curriculum Letters
Autumn Term 2024
Autumn Curriculum Letter Class 2
Summer Term 2024